Friday, November 15, 2013

Craters of the Moon National Monument

This was the Maiden voyage of my tear drop trailer.  It was raining when I left and it was dark and rainy when I finally got there. I dislike driving in the dark because I can't see the landscape. I couldn't find a place to camp in the campground and I couldn't see the signs very good so I pulled into what I thought was camping spot. I got in a situation where I couldn't pull forward and couldn't back up because I was jackknifed. I did put a hole in my tote that is attached to the front of the trailer. I was so tired I just stayed there.

When I woke up in the morning I assessed the situation and found that I could move the rocks in front of me because they were lava rocks and very light. After I moved them I was able to just drive down through. I did put the rocks back!!

The clouds and sunsets/sunrises were beautiful. Even through it rained off and on it stopped long enough to let the light through the puffy clouds.. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of landscape. Just lava rock. And a few trees. I climbed a hill formation that was just small pieces of lava rock. The view was unexplainable. At the top of the hill was a lone pine tree that was huge and leaning toward the downward side of the hill. How very sad it will be when it finally topples. I could see lightening in the distance. I felt like I could have stayed there forever.

Please do not copy

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